Leonberger Breed Clubs
Clubs in Canada:
- Leonberger Club of Canada
- Leonberger Club of Ontario
— “The Leonberger Club of Ontario received accreditation from the Canadian Kennel Club in 2002 and serves as an educational resource for Leonberger owners, breeders and fanciers. For more information visit us online at www.LeonbergerClubOfOntario.ca or contact us at info@LeonbergerClubOfOntario.com“
Clubs in the U.S.:
- Leonberger Club of America (LCA)
— The founding registry and breed club for Leonbergers in the United States. Dedicated to preserving the breed in North America through careful breeding practices and adherence to the FCI standard, which is defined by the Deutsche Club für Leonberger Hunde (Germany). The LCA is a member of the International Leonberger Union. - Mid-Atlantic Leonbergers (Regional LCA affiliated club)
Clubs from Around the World:
- International Leonberger Union
— Formed in 1975 for the purpose of improving the breed of the Leonberger Dog within the framework of the official FCI standard. - Club Français du Leonberg (France) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Deutsche Club fur Leonberger Hunde (Germany) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Österreichischer Club für Leonberger Hunde (Austria) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Leonberger Club Belgium (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Dansk Leonberger Klub (Denmark) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Suomen Leonberginkoirat (Finland) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Club Italiano del Leonberger (Italy) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Leonbergse HondenClub Nederland (Netherlands) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Leonberger Klub Czech Republic (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Leonberger Club Russia (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Club Español del Leonberger (Spain) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Swedish Leonberger Club (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
- Schweizerischer Leonberger Club/Club Suisse du Leonberg (Switzerland) (Member of the International Leonberger Union)
Breed Listing
Note: If you are aware of a Breed Club that should be listed here, please send an email to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com with contact information and details.
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