General Information – Breed Directory
This section of the website includes:

Breed Listing
— Each Breed section includes detailed information about the breed; listings of breeders, breed clubs and breed rescues; as well as breed-specific books and other merchandise that can be purchased online through various affiliates.
NOTE: The majority of the dog breeds listed in this directory are recognized by one or more of these all-breed registries:
- The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) — www.ckc.ca;
- The American Kennel Club (AKC) — www.akc.org and AKC Foundation Stock Service (AKC-FSS);
- The United Kennel Club (UKC) — www.ukcdogs.com;
- The Kennel Club (U.K.) (KC) — www.the-kennel-club.org.uk; and/or
- The Fédération Internationale Cynologique (FCI) — www.fci.be.
The directory also includes some rare breeds which have not yet gained recognition by the major breed registries listed above. For these breeds, breed-specific registries are listed. In Canada, some of these rare breeds are recognized by the Canine Federation of Canada (CFC) — www.caninecanada.ca — The CFC is incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act.
The details provided here are for information purposes only, to help those who may be interested, learn more about the breeds before making any decisions. It is strongly recommended that thorough research into both the breed and breeders be done prior to bringing a new dog into your home. While this is important for any breed of dog, for the rare breeds, the amount of information available may be limited and, therefore, thorough investigation into the breed’s history and background is imperative and much care in investigating the registry(ies) to which the dog(s) is recognized is also of utmost importance.
For more information on finding a breeder, please see: Information for New Puppy/Dog Owners.
Canadian Kennel Club Breed Groups
The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) categorizes its recognized breeds into seven groups, plus one miscellaneous class for those breeds that are recognized in other countries but still awaiting full recognition by the CKC. The groups are as follows:
Group 1 | Sporting Dogs Sporting Dogs include the pointers, spaniels and retrievers. Group 1 are those bred to point, flush, and retrieve game. They are high-energy dogs that are very trainable. |
Group 2 | Hounds The Hounds are those bred to hunt game by sight or smell. Included in this group are the Borzoi, Bloodhound, Beagle, Dachshunds, and Basset Hound, to name a few. They come in different sizes and require little guidance in how to get the job done. The dogs in this group tend to be more independent than many other breeds. |
Group 3 | Working Dogs Working Dogs consist of those bred to guard and perform draft work. The Working Group dogs are intelligent and loyal with a willingness to please. |
Group 4 | Terriers The Terriers Group are those bred to go to ground after vermin and other small game. These dogs are usually tough, energetic and independent. |
Group 5 | Toys The Toy Dogs are bred as pets and lap dogs. Many of them are from ancient breeds or small-sized versions of larger breeds. |
Group 6 | Non-Sporting Dogs The Non-Sporting Dogs group are those breeds that are bred to do a variety of jobs and are not easily categorized. |
Group 7 | Herding Dogs The Herding Dogs are those bred to herd sheep, cattle, and other livestock. Originally, these dogs were classified as part of the Working Group. German Shepherds, Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs are among some of the dogs in this group. |
Miscellaneous Class | Breeds recognized in other countries but still awaiting full CKC recognition. |
Note: We are always in need of articles for the various sections of this website
— Submissions are welcome and encouraged. Please feel free to contact us at info@canadasguidetodogs.com.
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- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
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