Dog Training Information & Trainer Listings
Training Tips & Resources
- Secrets to Dog Training: Stop Your Dog’s Behaviour Problems!
- Easy Tips for House Breaking your Puppy
- Puppy Training Issues
- Crate Training
- Crate Training For Your Puppy
- Tips for Housetraining Happiness
- Toy Breeds – Housebreaking
- The Alpha Factor
- Teach Your Puppy Proper Chewing
- Chewing & Biting
- Training your Dog to Sit
- Training Your Dog to Lay Down on Command
- Training your Dog to Stay
- Teaching your Puppy to “Come”
- Even Lassie Had Her Moments
- Three Important Things to Remember When Training Your Puppy
- Clicker Training with Your Toy Breed Dog
- Setting Pace at the Dog Run
- Dog Training is Work Never Finished
- Seven Ways to Help Stop Your Dog from Digging Up your Garden
- Punishment is Not the Answer
- Dog Obedience: A Quick and Easy Way to Train your Dog to Obey the Wait Command
- Dog Training: How To “Lick” Your Dog’s Incessant Licking Habit!
- Proper Training Can Keep Your Dog Healthy And Happy
- Creative Dog Toys Help Alleviate Boredom
- Dogs and Kids
- Digging or Your Dog the Gardener
- Understanding Your Pet’s Chewing Issues
- To Bite or Not to Bite
- Remote Collar Training
- A Not So Gentle Leader
Training Books, DVDs, and Equipment
K9 Obedience Training: Teaching Pets and Working Dogs to Be Reliable and Free-Thinking
The best positive obedience training program for your pets or working dog.
Use proven techniques to:
- Train your puppy with basic exercises to prepare for future obedience training.
- Correct common problem behaviors, such as barking, bolting, and chewing.
- Progress from basic to advanced exercises to ensure your dog is always learning.
Taking the Lead Without Jerking the Leash: The Art of Mindful Dog Training
Taking the Lead without Jerking the Leash is a book for dog owners, dog trainers, other dog professionals, and all dog lovers.
Intended to educate and entertain, it covers the many aspects of living with, training, and understanding dogs. It is philosophical in voice and versatile as a resource.
Citizen Canine – The Essential Skills Every Well-Mannered Dog Should Know
Citizen Canine, by the American Kennel Club, is the official book on the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program. Written by Mary Burch for AKC, Citizen Canine provides everything you need to know in order to pass the Canine Good Citizen Test.
A beautiful 256 page book with informative full color photos on almost every page, Citizen Canine goes way beyond the basic 10 steps of the Canine Good Citizen Test.
The Magic of Shaping: Explore the Possibilities – Streaming Video on Demand
(Dogwise is now offering streaming video on demand for select titles through Vimeo.com. You can rent the videos for 72 hours or purchase them outright.)
Shaping is incredibly fun to teach; however, sometimes the mechanics of getting started may be daunting. While completing a behavior is very exciting, the real thrill is the process itself. From the first glimmer of understanding to the light bulb fully on, each step is a joy to behold.
Operant Conditioning Behaviour Analysis
Dalhousie University, Faculty of Agriculture
23 Sheep Hill Lane, PO Box 550
Truro, Nova Scotia
Tel.: 902-893-5301; Fax: 902-895-5528
Email: jmaceachern@dal.ca
Online Animal Training Course:
OPERANT CONDITIONING BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS (OCBA): Level I, has been developed for the student with the desire to understand animal behaviour and use that knowledge while training. This course provides a one-on-one approach to help each student develop the necessary skills to train animals using positive reinforcement. Possessing these training skills is invaluable to the successful laboratory or research technician, veterinary assistant, pre-vet student, farm worker, boarding faciliity owner and many other professions or hobbies which require the ability to influence an animal’s behaviour.
See www.dal.ca/ocba for further details.
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Get In Touch
- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
- Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadasGuideToDogs
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