White Shepherd Clubs
- German Shepherd Dog Breed Clubs — Note: The Club listings shown below are limited to the White Shepherd Dog. For a listing of German Shepherd Dog Clubs and Schutzhund Clubs, see the German Shepherd Dog Breed Clubs section.
- Schutzhund — Information on the sport of Schutzhund, including more club listings not specific to the German Shepherd Dog breed.
- Clubs, Sports & Activities Section — Details and information on various sports and activities, along with a regional listing of all-breed clubs.
- Working Dogs Section — Information regarding the various jobs that the German Shepherd Dog is involved in.
Clubs in Canada
Clubs in the U.S.:
- White German Shepherd Dog Club of America (WGSDCA) — Devoted to the protection and advancement of the German Shepherd Dog with a white coat color.
- The American White Shepherd Association (AWSA) — The AWSA was formed to protect, promote and advance the best interests and welfare of purebred White Shepherds and to continue to bring their natural qualities to perfection through quality and careful breeding practices. The Club also seeks to promote worldwide recognition and acceptance of the White Shepherd as a separate and distinct breed of working and herding dog.
- United White Shepherd Club (UWSC) — The UWSC was formed to protect, promote, and advance the best interests and welfare of purebred White Shepherds as well as to continue to bring their natural qualities to perfection through quality breeding practices. The club also seeks to promote worldwide acceptance of the White Shepherd as a separate and distinct breed of working and herding dog. The UWSC is the breed’s official parent club for the United Kennel Club, Inc. (UKC).
Clubs from Around the World
- Federation Berger Blanc Suisse Internationale (The International Federation for the White Swiss Shepherd Dog) — The worldwide platform for all breeding clubs and breeder groups of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog that are acknowledged by the FCI. Their goal is the international support of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog (WSSD/BBS). They achieve this by uniting all associations which specifically engage in the health and character of this breed.
- White German Shepherd Dog Club International, Inc. (WGSDCII) — The purpose of the WGSDCII is to promote the white German Shepherd Dog, to educate the public and to turn the tide of prejudice and regain equal status for these dogs — not as undesirable, but as a color variation of the German Shepherd Dog.
- Weisser Schweizer Schäferhundeklub Österreich (Austria)
- Bundesverein für Weisse Schäferhunde in Österreich (Austria)
- Hvid Hyrdehund Danmark (Denmark)
- Rassezuchtverein für Weisse Schweizer Schäferhunde (RWS) (Germany)
- Die GWS Schweiz (Switzerland)
- White Shepherd Dog Club Switzerland
Note: If you are aware of a Breed Club that should be listed here, please send an email to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com with contact information and details.
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