German Shepherd Dog Breeders by Region
Breeder Listings by Region
Shalakaus Shepherds
1623 Connel Road
Creston, British Columbia
V0B 1G3
Tel.: 250-428-2932; Cell: 250-428-1844
E-mail: shalakausshepherds@gmail.com
Website: www.shalakausshepherds.com
We are a small breeding kennel located in the beautiful Creston Valley in southern BC.
Established in 1994, we continue to breed to the standard with health certified, titled parents with sound minds.
Our puppies are sold with a written health guarantee, vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped and registered with the Canadian Kennel Club.
For further details, please see our website: www.shalakausshepherds.com
KVG Working Line German Shepherds
Cranbrook, British Columbia
Phone: 250-919-9686
E-mail: ewagorka@hotmail.com
Website: www.vomgorka.com
KVG Working Line German shepherds is a small, privately owned kennel, dedicated to the sport of IGP, and the working lines of the German shepherd.
All KVG dogs are HOT, and or BHOT, Handler, Owner, Trained, and either current competition dogs, and or retired from sport. All KVG dogs are from German, Czech, and Slovak working lines; all are health certified via the SV-Germany, and the OFA for hips, elbows, spine and DM, degenerative myelopathy, as well as, all are EMBARK and ALLERGY tested. Quality of health, and temperament is priority.
For more information, see our website at: www.vomgorka.com
Bullinger Shepherds
25655 12th Avenue
Aldergrove, British Columbia
Tel.: 604-856-8536
E-mail: bullingershepherds@gmail.com
Website: www.bullingershepherds.com
Bullinger Shepherds has been the undefeated Breeder in Canada for over 35 years and ranked the #6 Breeder in the World at the Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Nurnburg Germany 2022. The highest placing for any Breeder outside of Europe in the History of the Breed.
Our World Class black and red German Shepherds are known for their health, excellent temperament and longevity and being wonderful family members. We Breed to the very rigid German Standard and all dogs are cleared for hips, elbows and DM as well as temperament testing.
For further details, see our website at: www.bullingershepherds.com
Bullinger Shepherds
25655 12th Avenue
Aldergrove, British Columbia
Tel.: 604-856-8536
E-mail: bullingershepherds@gmail.com
Website: www.bullingershepherds.com
Bullinger Shepherds has been the undefeated Breeder in Canada for over 35 years and ranked the #6 Breeder in the World at the Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Nurnburg Germany 2022. The highest placing for any Breeder outside of Europe in the History of the Breed.
Our World Class black and red German Shepherds are known for their health, excellent temperament and longevity and being wonderful family members. We Breed to the very rigid German Standard and all dogs are cleared for hips, elbows and DM as well as temperament testing.
For further details, see our website at: www.bullingershepherds.com
- None listed at this time.
Canisphere German Shepherds
70061 Briercliff Rd
Cooks Creek, Manitoba
R5M 0A4
Tel.: 204-266-0142
E-mail: karen@canisphere.com
Website: www.canisphere.com
Breeder of quality German Shepherd Dogs from the world’s top winning bloodlines. Sons and daughters of World Siegers. West German Imports. Lifetime guarantee.
Breeder for over 40 years. Specializing in family companion and protection dogs.
For further information, visit our website at: www.canisphere.com
Prairieside German Shepherds
PO Box 443, 34042 Hwy #1
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, R1N 3B7
Tel.: 204-856-0985
E-mail: prairielands@mymts.net
Website: www.prairiesidegermanshepherds.com
We are smaller breeders so we believe in only having a few select litters per year. All of our puppies are family raised in our home to provide adequate socialization and the outmost of care. We strive to produce German Shepherds that are healthy, have sound minds, and all around ideal family companions. All of our puppies are sold with CKC Registration, vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped and come with a written health guarantee.
We have been breeding for over 12 years and have Bred/Owned and/or Handled: BISS, BPISS, BIS, BPIS, BIF winners. We have also obtained multiple AM/CAN Championships, Obedience and Herding titles, as well as proud breeders of Certified Therapy Dogs.
If you are considering a GSD, we would love to welcome you
to the Prairieside German Shepherd Family.
For more information, see our website at: www.prairiesidegermanshepherds.com.
A. Glen Saxon Kennels
1854 Trinity Rd
Ancaster, Ontario, L9G 3L1
Tel.: 905-648-6955
E-mail: glensaxon69@gmail.com
Website: www.aglensaxon.ca
Top Quality German Shepherd dogs are our passion, and have been part of our family for more than 20 years! Our dogs are mostly imported bloodlines from quality breeders in Europe!! Some are 4 generations our breeding!! With certified Hips, Elbows and health! In most colours! Our dogs excel in all environments: Show, Obedience, Schutzhund and family pet!!
We stand behind our puppies 100%, and provide our new puppy owners with a 2 year hips and health guarantee. All our pups are sold with CKC registration, vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed and of course raised with lotsa love!!
We always welcome inquiries and appointments to view our lovely dogs — We are very proud of them! Early reservation recommended for a puppy, older pups and young adults available on occasion! Importing and training also available! For further details, see our website at: www.aglensaxon.ca
Shiphra German Shepherds
Kingston, Ontario
Tel.: 1-866-936-7701
E-mail: dean@shiphrashepherds.com
Welcome to Shiphra German Shepherds!
We produce ONLY black & red. A good German Shepherd for us needs to be THE TOTAL PACKAGE! Temperament, health, working ability, brains and looks. This is my goal, a dog that has it all. I look for correct but functional conformation, with a very important key — Very Stable Nerves!
Our dogs consist of only the finest German bloodlines from World Champions. Slight to No Slopes! We find that the West German lines are the best dog suited for family, companion, working, obedience and protection, because they are very balanced in their drives. Meaning these dogs are very stable, calm, yet driven, easy to live with in the house, easy to train, willing to please and ready to defend. All around very versatile. These German Shepherds have a very correct, harmonious and balanced structure resulting in a smooth, efficient, beautiful gait and very high endurance.
For more information, visit our website at: www.shiphrashepherds.com
Von Lousar Shepherds
Matheson, Ontario
Tel.: 705-262-5611
E-mail: vonlousar@live.ca
Website: www.vonlousar.com
Our breeding stock consist of only the finest German bloodlines. We find that the German showlines are the best dog suited for family companion / protector because they are very balanced in their drive. Meaning these dogs are generally calm and stable, easy to live with in the house, easy to train, willing to please, and ready to defend. These German Shepherds have a very correct, harmonious and balanced structure resulting in a smooth, efficient, beautiful gait and very high endurance.
We produce black/red and, although our adults are short coated, we still at times have long coats available. A good German Shepherd needs to be the “total package”. Temperament, health, working ability, brains and looks. This is our goal, a dog that has it all. We look for correct but functional conformation.
Working German Shepherds
Coe Hill, Ontario
Tel.: 613-337-9152
E-mail: wgshepherds@gmail.com
Website: www.workinggermanshepherds.info
Professional German Shepherd Breeders in Ontario.
We have been selectively breeding only the top proven bloodlines of Working German Shepherds for decades!
We breed only black and red dogs, with our main goals being intelligence, bone structure, athletic ability, trainability, excellent conformation and exceptional character and temperamentl
We take great pride in producing healthy puppies with ideal German Shepherd traits. Our puppies are adaptable to family companions, therapy dogs, search and rescue, obedience, tracking, performance and protection! We are committed to very high German SV Standards to produce only the best!
For further details, please visit our website: www.workinggermanshepherds.info
- A. GLEN SAXON KENNELS (see Photo Advertisement.)
- AnFarra German Shepherd Dogs
- Billyjo Shepherds
- Blackgold Shepherds
- Black Ridge Kennel
- Bluemist Kennels
- Carmspack Working German Shepherd Dogs
- Clarot German Shepherds
- Committed to Canine & Lucescu Kennels
- Destiny German Shepherds
- Emeritus Shepherds
- Foxfield K9
- Immerstark Shepherds
- Loretto Kennels
- Loyalist German Shepherds
- Moda German Shepherds
- Nightmoves Shepherds
- Richtbar German Shepherds
- Safice German Shepherds
- SHIPHRA GERMAN SHEPHERDS (see Photo Advertisement.)
- Summerview German Shepherds
- VON LOUSAR SHEPHERDS (see Photo Advertisement.)
- Working German Shepherds (see Photo Advertisement.)
None listed at this time.
- Schraderhaus K9 – Washington
- SHERMAN-RANCH German Shepherds – Oregon
- Von Grunheide Shepherds – Washington
Breed Listing
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If you would like to advertise on the Canada's Guide to Dogs website, please select from the following links for advertising options and details:
— A basic text advertisement that includes full contact information, including links to websites, social media, and email. - DELUXE ADVERTISEMENT
— A Photo advertisement with up to 100 words of text as well as all "Basic" information. - FEATURED BREEDER DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT ***
— (*** Available exclusively to Deluxe Listing Advertisers.) Large graphic display page advertisements rotated amongst participating breeders. - "WE HAVE PUPPIES" GRAPHIC LINK
— (Available to all listed Breeders.) Graphic added to advertisements or text links. (We do not provide a "Puppies for Sale" Classifieds type section.) - "STUD SERVICE"
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— Complete the "Breeder Questionnaire" to have your text link added to the listing.
If you are considering the adoption of a puppy of any breed, it is very important to be selective in choosing a responsible and reputable breeder. While it is our goal on this website to only include listings of responsible and ethical breeders of purebred dogs, and there is certain criteria that must be met in order to be listed, we can only rely on the honesty of those submitting the request. Therefore, we cannot recommend, nor do we endorse or support any one of these listings. If you are looking to purchase a puppy, it is your responsibility to do your research in learning what to look for in a breeder. (For more information on selecting a breeder, see the articles on the main Breed/Breeders section: Information for the New Puppy/Dog Owner.)
In addition to the Breeders listed here, the Breed Clubs generally include listings of member Breeders on their web sites and, if not, then a listing can usually be obtained either by e-mail or telephone. We do not randomly add Breeders to any listing. All Breeders listed have requested to be included either via a general link or paid advertising.
If a young pup is not an absolute requirement for you, then considering the adoption of a dog from a rescue organization or shelter is strongly recommended. Each individual breed section on the Canada’s Guide to Dogs web site includes listings of Rescue Organizations specific to the breed. In addition, Breeders occasionally have young adults available and many also take in rescued dogs. To learn more about adopting a rescue dog, please see the Rescue Organizations & Shelters section of the web site. This section includes several articles and general information along with listings of shelters and rescue organizations that are not breed specific from across Canada.
The purchase or sale of any dog is strictly between the buyer and seller. Accuracy of information for all advertisements is the sole responsibility of the advertiser and we cannot be held responsible for any misrepresentation.
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- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
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