Advertising on the Canada’s Guide to Dogs Website
The Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is one of the most comprehensive dog related resource websites in Canada and, as such, one of the most visited sites for dog information. We are pleased to offer the following advertising options. (For additional information about the Canada’s Guide to Dogs website, please Click Here and for Terms & Conditions, please see the Disclaimer page.)
(Select from the following for details and instructions for each option.)
Advertising Options for Breeders
Free Text Link
- Available to Breeders, Rescues, and Not-For-Profit Clubs
- A simple website link to your organization/kennel.
Deluxe Breeder Advertisement
- Photo Advertisement with up to 100 words of text.
- Priority placement above all “Basic” and text links.
- Provides excellent exposure at a very reasonable cost.
Basic Breeder Advertisement
- Text Advertisement including full contact information.
- Placed in alphabetical order under a specified region.
Add-On Options for Breeders
Puppies Graphic
- Add a “We Have Puppies” graphic to help your advertisement stand out from the rest.
Featured Breeder
- Available exclusively to Deluxe Listing Advertisers.
- Graphic display advertisement featured at the top right of the breed information and breeder pages set on a rotation amongst participating breeders as well as on the main “Featured Breeds/Breeders” page.
- One-time design fee. Does not expire so long as you continue to advertise via the Deluxe listing option.
Stud Service Graphic
- Add a “Stud Available” graphic if you provide stud services to breeders.
Advertising Options for Services
Deluxe Services Advertisement
- Available to all pet related businesses.
- Photo Advertisement with up to 100 words of text.
- Priority placement above all “Basic Plus” advertisements.
- Provides excellent exposure at a very reasonable cost.
Basic Plus Advertisement
- Available to all pet related businesses.
- Text Advertisement including full contact information.
- A paragraph of text up to a maximum of 50 words.
- Placed in alphabetical order under a specified category and region.
Other Advertising Options Available to All
Banner Advertisements
- Home Page Spotlight Advertisement
— A graphic advertisement placed within the slider graphic on the site’s home page. - Top Banner Advertisemnent
— A banner advertisement (468px X 60px) placed at the top of any one page (except the homepage) directly under the site navigation. - Square Box Advertisement
— A graphic square box advertisement (150px X 150px) placed in the right column on any page of the website that has a column. - Rectangular Box Advertisement
— Similar to the square box but larger (150px X 300 px) placed in the right column on any page of the website that has a column.
If none of the above options meet with your requirements, please contact us at info@canadasguidetodogs.com and we would be pleased to discuss custom advertising to meet with your requirements.
Advertisements must be reviewed as soon as possible after notification of publication. A confirmation that you have reviewed your advertisement should be sent and any necessary corrections/changes should be forwarded as soon as possible. Necessary changes will be made at no charge provided that notice is given in a timely manner. Accuracy of information is the sole responsibility of the advertiser and we cannot be held responsible for any misrepresentation. We also reserve the right to refuse, request content changes, and properly classify any advertisement at our discretion.
If you require clarification on any of these options, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@canadasguidetodogs.com.
Quick Links
Get In Touch
- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
- Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadasGuideToDogs
— CanadasGuideToDogs.com is an Amazon Associate as well as a participant in various affiliate programs, as such fees are earned from qualifying purchases.