Grooming Schools / Courses
- The Grooming Institute of Canada — Canada’s Certification Board for all levels of the industry.
Grooming Information, Tips & Techniques
- Achieving a Silky, Shiny Coat — by Victoria of Pet-Super-Store
- Why You Should Groom Your Dog Regularly — by Victoria of Pet-Super-Store
- Top Grooming Tips For Do-It-Yourself Dog Owners
- Bathing Your Dog – Step by Step — by Sheri Huttner
- Time for a Dog Bath? Dog Bathing Tips for You and Your Dog — by Teresa James
- Beyond Washing The Dog — by Dawn Keadic
- What Should I Buy For My Pet Grooming Kit? — by Sharon Price
- Ear Infections Are Painful! — by Sheri Huttner
- Nail Trimming Tips by Jess The Dog Lady — This guide will help you step by step in teaching your dog to trust you around his/her feet, and is written as if for a beginner with a problem dog.
- Protect Your Dog From These Preventable Threats By Robert Benson
- Safe, Effective Flea Control By Richard H. Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D. and Susan Hubble Pitcairn
— Authors of Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide To Natural Health for Dogs & Cats - Skunked — What to do if your dog encounters a skunk!
- My Dog Has Halitosis! — by Sheri Huttner
- Is Pet Dental Health Really Important? — by Lori Matthews
- Maintaining Your Dogs Teeth And Oral Health
- Tooth Brushing Tricks For Your Dog — by Sandy Schneider
- Dental Care Tips For Your Dog — by Xavier Gallery
Breed Listing
How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears — Cleaning your dog’s ears can be easy, but you’ll need to follow proper precautions. Watch the following video from VetVid.com where Dr. Mike walks you through a routine ear cleaning step-by-step so that you can perform ear cleaning for your dog. If there is an ear infection you’ll learn what precautions to take and what to discuss with your vet.
Notes From The Grooming Table 2nd Edition
This is the NEW SECOND EDITION of the book that has set the industry standard for grooming reference guides. You get step-by-step instructions and beautiful, easy to follow illustrations that have made this book a must-have for groomers and stylists world-wide.
CLICK HERE for details and to purchase.
The All Breed Dog Grooming Guide – 4th Edition
The All Breed Dog Grooming Guide has undergone a total transformation in this 4th Edition, making it the grooming profession’s leading text and essential resource for both novices and experienced groomers alike.
Now in full color, with all new color illustrations and completely rewritten instruction sets for each of the 193 breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club. Also included for each breed are the latest popular alternative styles and pet trims.
CLICK HERE for details and to purchase.
Theory of 5 Second Edition – Simplifying Grooming Concepts for Everyday Pets
The methods outlined in this informative book have been time tested for more than 20 years by Melissa Verplank and her team. By reducing complex methods and techniques to easy-to-understand terms, Melissa has helped hundreds of stylists quickly master the skills and patterns necessary to groom hundreds of different breeds.
CLICK HERE for details and to purchase.
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- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
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