Labrador Retriever Breed Clubs
Labrador Retriever Clubs in Canada
- Labrador Retriever Club of Canada — National Breed Club
- BC Labrador Retriever Club
— “The British Columbia Labrador Retriever Club (1995) Society is working to maintain the Labrador Retriever with its original instincts, disposition, temperament, abilities, intelligence, type and conformation.” - Le Club du Labrador du Québec — (French and English website)
— Devoted to the promotion of all aspects of the Labrador Retriever - Atlantic Labrador Retriever Club
— The ALRC was originally started by a few breed enthusiasts in 1994 and CKC recognition was applied for in May 1995. The Club’s first Specialty Show was held in August 1997 and the ALRC has maintained the mandate to hold all these events on an annual basis ever since.
Clubs in the U.S.:
- The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. (LRC)
— A nationally based club dedicated to preserving the integrity of the breed. The LRC is recognized by the American Kennel Club as the national parent club for the Labrador Retriever breed. - The National Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. (NLRC)
— The NLRC was formed in 1996 and exists for the protection and betterment of the breed. - California:
- Labrador Retriever Club of Southern California (LRCSC)
- San Diego Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.
- High Desert Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.
- Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Club
- San Joaquin Valley Labrador Retriever Club
New Jersey:
Clubs from Around the World:
- Estonian Retrievers Society (Estonia)
- The Labrador Retriever Club of Finland
— The Club was founded in 1980 and is a member of the Finnish Kennel Club, the Finnish Retriever Organisation and the Kennel District of Helsinki. As of November 20, 1999, the Club was accepted as the Official Breed Club in Finland. - Labrador Club Deutschland e.V. (Germany)
- Magyar Labrador Retriever Klub (Hungary)
- Labrador Club Italiano (Italy)
- Nederlandse Labrador Vereniging (Netherlands)
- The Swedish Labrador Retriever Club (Sweden)
— The Swedish LRC was founded in 1977. Today there are over 4000 members and the Club is now represented in many parts of Sweden, through sixteen Activity Groups, from north to south. - United Kingdom:
- The Labrador Retriever Club of Great Britain
— Formed in 1916 and the first club to be created purely with the interests of the Labrador Retriever in mind. By the end of 2004, the club had 2300 members from 51 countries. - Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club
- West of England Labrador Retriever Club
- The Labrador Retriever Club of Scotland
- The Labrador Retriever Club of Great Britain

Breed Listing
Note: If you are aware of a Breed Club that should be listed here, please send an email to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com with contact information and details.
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