Police K9s, Detection Dogs, Military Dogs
General Info / Articles of Interest
- Valor Row — From the CPCA — A tribute to K-9 handlers and their canine partners that didn’t all make it home at the end of the day.
- RCMP Police Dog Service Training Centre
- Eden Consulting Group — Police Dog Home Page — The K9 Academy For Law Enforcement operated by Bob Eden and Gord Ney is a business made up of police officers dedicated to the training of police K9 handlers.
- K9s Working With The U.S. Department Of State by K9 Unit
- DogSport Gear — Manufacture of working dog equipment for Police, Military and Schutzhund.
- War Dogs — A brief history of dogs in military work.
- The United States War Dogs Association
- The War Dog Memorial — When U.S. Marines landed war dogs on Bougainville in the South Pacific, 01 November, 1943, it marked the first use of trained military dogs in combat by the United States. Doberman Pinschers, the official U.S. Marine Corps War Dogs, served throughout the South Pacific, courageously leading patrols in the steaming jungles, giving timely warning of the enemy waiting in ambush or hiding in caves, saving untold lives.
- Is the Belgian Malinois a Good Family Dog? — Everything you need to decide if a Belgian Malinois is the right dog for your family.
Organizations & Associations
- Canadian Police Canine Association
- North American Police Work Dog Association — Dedicated to Assisting Police Work Dog Teams Throughout the World.
- National Association of Professional Canine Handlers (NAPH)
- Canada Border Services Agency – Detector Dog Service — The CBSA currently has detector dog teams located across Canada, serving both travellers and commercial operations. Detector dog teams work in all modes of travel, including air, highway, marine, and rail and in postal and courier centres.
- The Pacific Northwest Police Detection Dog Association — Dedicated towards enhancing the professionalism and training of detection dog handlers throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- United States Police Canine Association
- International Police Work Dog Association (IPWDA)
Canadian Police Department K-9 Units:
Note: We are always in need of articles for the Working Dogs section of the website — Submissions are welcome and encouraged. Please feel free to e-mail us at info@canadasguidetodogs.com.
If you are part of a working dog group and would like to be included in the listings, please email us with details.
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Get In Touch
- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
- Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadasGuideToDogs
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