Heat Stroke in Dogs
Heat stroke occurs when a dog can no longer self-regulate and keep his temperature at a comfortable level. Essentially, heat stroke is when a dog has a high temperature that is not caused by a fever. While some breeds may be more susceptible to heat stroke, such as overweight dogs or those that suffer from upper airway abnormalities, all dogs can easily overheat if they are exposed to hot temperatures and lack available drinking water.
There are two types of heat stroke: Exertional and Non-exertional.
- Exertional can occur during exercise and is much more common on hot sunny days when dogs haven’t had a chance to acclimatise to the sudden rise in heat.
- Non-Exertional occurs when a dog is exposed to a notable rise in temperature but doesn’t have access to proper ventilation or drinking water.
HEAT STROKE IS AN EMERGENCY SITUATION AND REQUIRES IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. It can happen very quickly and all dog owners should know the signs so that they can recognize it and take action. Early detection and prompt treatment are essential to the full recovery of your dog. If you suspect your dog has heat stroke, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Article Reference: www.vets-now.com
Note: This section of the Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is intended as a source of information only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional care. Always consult with your Veterinarian about health related matters.
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