Canine Inherited / Genetic Health Concerns and Other Illnesses
- Canine Epilepsy Network — A resource for all those concerned with canine epilepsy: owners and breeders of affected dogs, veterinarians, neurologists, and researchers.
- Canine Inherited Disorders Database — A website for dog owners whose pet has been found to have an inherited condition; potential dog owners who want help in avoiding these problems when choosing a pet; veterinarians looking for current information on both well-known and more obscure genetic disorders, including diagnostic and therapeutic information; and dog breeders who are looking for suggestions on how to avoid these conditions in their lines of dogs.
- HealthGene Laboratory — HealthGene Corporation is the leading provider of veterinary DNA diagnostic services in Canada. The company has been in operation since 2000 and offers more than a 100 DNA tests and profiles with the highest quality and control, as well being a full in house service lab.
- Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER)
- OFA – Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
- PennHIP – University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program
Note: This section of the Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is intended as a source of information only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional care. Always consult with your Veterinarian about health related matters.
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- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
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