Health and Nutrition

Antifreeze and Your Pets

Please take special care to keep antifreeze away from your pets. Unfortunately, many dogs and cats enjoy the taste of antifreeze; however, even tiny amounts can cause extreme sickness, kidney failure, and even death.

The signs of antifreeze poisoning include weakness, vomiting, drooling, unconsciousness, problems with coordination, and panting. If you suspect your dog or cat has ingested antifreeze, it is critical that you rush him/her to a veterinarian immediately. This is an emergency situation.

Kidney failure can begin as soon as 20 minutes after consumption and if the antifreeze gets into the animal’s bloodstream, the chances of survival decrease rapidly.

It should also be noted that pets do not need to ingest the antifreeze directly to become ill. Licking their paws after coming into contact with the fluid can be enough to seriously affect them.

Take care that your vehicle is not leaking any antifreeze and if it is, mop up all spills that occur, no matter how small.

More Information:

Note: This section of the Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is intended as a source of information only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional care. Always consult with your Veterinarian about health related matters.

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