Greyhound Clubs
Clubs in Canada
- Greyhound Club of Canada (G.C.C.)
Facebook Page: - After the Track Greyhound Adoption
— Provides an opportunity for retired racing greyhounds from the surrounding area, to run for fun and socialize in a safe environment. After the Track Greyhound Adoption has grown and has expanded into four different areas, Adoption, Play Group, Education and Support to Adoptive Families and Advocacy.
Oshawa, Ontario
Email: - Canadian Amateur Racing Association (C.A.R.A.)
- Canadian Sighthound Field Association
- Alberta Lure Coursing Association
- Aspen Grove Sighthound Association — Holds 200 Yard Amateur Straight Racing Meets for Sighthounds in Alberta.
- Ontario Racing Association
— An All-Sighthound Race Club hosting both CARA and NOTRA Race meets - Gazehound Ontario
- Ontario Lure Coursing Association (OLCA)
Clubs in the U.S.
- The Greyhound Club of America (GCA)
- National Greyhound Association (NGA)
- American Greyhound Council (AGC)
— The mission of the American Greyhound Council is to ensure the health, welfare and safety of racing Greyhounds from the farm to retirement. - Greyhound Racing Association of America (GRA/A)
— Founded to promote, protect and enhance the sport of greyhound racing and the greyhound industry. - American Greyhound Track Opertors Association (AGTOA)
- Iowa Greyhound Association
— The IGA’s goal is to promote and market the sport of greyhound racing and grow its fan base and provide entertainment to the citizens of Iowa and the Midwest. - National Oval Track Racing Association (NOTRA)
- American Sighthound Field Association
- Large Gazehound Racing Association
Clubs from Around the World
- World Greyhound Racing Federation (WGRF)
— An international forum for the interchange of information, new technology and other developments to improve greyhound racing globally. - Continental Greyhound Racing Confederation (CGRC)
— Member of World Greyhound Racing Federation - Greyhound Board of Great Britain
- Deutscher Greyhound Club e.V. (Germany)
- Nederlandse Greyhound Club – Dutch Greyhound Club (NGC) (Netherlands)
Breed Listing
Note: If you are aware of a Breed Club that should be listed here, please send an email to: with contact information and details.
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