Briard Breed Clubs
Briard Clubs in the U.S.
Briard Clubs from Around the World
- Briard Verein Österreich (Austria)
- Belgium Briard Club
- Briard Klub Ceské Republiky (Czech Republic)
- Suomen Briard Ry (Finland)
- Association du Berger de Brie (France)
- Nederlandsche Briard Club (Netherlands)
- Swiss Briard Club
- The Friendly Briard Club (U.K.) — The F.B.C. is for Owners and Breeders alike, whether in the United Kingdom or further a field. The website, through its new forum and chat room, provides an invaluable resource about anything to do with Briards, be it health, showing or just simply real life stories.
Breed Listing
Note: If you are aware of a Breed Club that should be listed here, please send an email to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com with contact information and details.
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- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
- Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadasGuideToDogs
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