Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue

Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Rescue


In Canada:

  • BMDCC National Rescue Program
    The BMDCC is actively involved in the rescue of Bernese Mountain Dogs in distress or ones that require re-homing. They have a large network of people across the country that are dedicated to helping any Berner in need.
  • BMDCO Rescue Program
  • BMDCQ – SOS Bouvier Bernois
  • Teddy’s Canine Railroad
    Teddy’s Canine Railroad is dedicated to helping Bernese Mountain Dogs as well as other large and extra large breed dogs in need, particularly in the Province of Quebec.
    Baie d’Urfe, Quebec
  • North Peace Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue
    “I rehabilitate Bernese with temperment issues, special needs. I recondition with natural therapy. All Berners are welcome!”
    Fort St John, British Columbia
    Tel.: (250) 785-6464


In the U.S.:

Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue

Breed Listing

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