Featured Breeder Display Advertisement



Note: If you are not already advertising via the Deluxe Listing Advertisement, please complete the Deluxe Advertisement for Breeders Form.

Cost per Breed

There is a one-time Design Fee of $50.00 plus applicable tax for the design of the display advertisement.
— The Feature advertisement does not expire so long as you continue to renew your Deluxe Advertisement or unless you decide that you prefer to no longer participate in this option.

How it Works:

The Featured Breeder Display page is designed by us from photos and text that you provide. The initial design concept is created and uploaded to a temporary location on our server so that you can review the graphic. Any requested changes will then be made and, once approval is received, you will be added to the listings on the main Featured Breeds/Breeders page where the graphic is linked.

Participating breeders are featured on the top right of the breed information and breeder pages and rotated amongst each other. This is done by including a photo which links to the featured breeder display page.

Participating Breeders also have a graphic included with their Deluxe advertisements indicating that they are a “Featured Breeder.”

Examples of the Featured Breeder display advertisements can be seen by clicking on any of the listed breeders found on the main Featured Breeds/Breeders page.

This is the graphic that is included with your Deluxe advertisement: Featured Breeder

There is no time limit on participating as a Featured Breeder. Breeders are welcome to continue being featured for as long as they continue to advertise via the Deluxe Advertisement for Breeders option. The fee is for the initial cost to design the display page and once added, any requested changes and/or updates are made at no extra charge.

To Order Your Featured Breeder Display Advertisement:

Please complete the following form.

Upon submission of the completed form, you will be directed to the confirmation page with payment options. For Canadian advertisers, payment can be made by email money transfer or by credit card directly to us or through Paypal.com. U.S. and International advertisers must use the paypal option and make payment in Canadian or U.S. funds only.

The design of the display advertisement is based on photos and text provided by you. Please send a few photos (minimum of 5) for us to work with via e-mail to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com. Accepted formats include: .jpg, .gif, .png, .psd, .bmp. The size of the photos is of less importance than the quality but the higher the resolution, the better. If you have a logo, this can also be included in the design and should be sent along with the photographs. Please allow up to 5 business days for processing. Upon completion, the display ad will be uploaded to a temporary location on our server in order to give you the opportunity to view it and advise of any changes you would like.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: info@canadasguidetodogs.com.

Simply place your cursor within the boxes in the form and type your answers.
Use the “TAB” key to move to the next box.


Featured Breeder Form

5 + 6 =

* Please note that these display pages are intended to be of a graphical nature so we do try to keep the amount of text to a minumum.

Upon submission of the completed form, please send us a few photos to work with via email to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com

— CanadasGuideToDogs.com is an Amazon Associate as well as a participant in various affiliate programs, as such fees are earned from qualifying purchases.