A Little Bit About Us and Why You Should Consider
Advertising on the Canada’s Guide to Dogs Website
The Canada’s Guide to Dogs website was originally launched in January 2004 and, in 2018, a complete redesign was done to give it a new look and bring it up to date with the latest web standards. Since its initial launch, the site has grown tremendously and continues to grow. The comments we have received have truly been amazing with so much positive feedback. One very common comment we receive is:
“This is just what the dog community in Canada needed. Thank you.”
CLICK HERE to see a few more comments and feedback we have received throughout the years.
The Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is administered through our web/graphics design business, Dazzle by Design Graphics Studio Inc. – www.dazzlebydesign.ca and is not affiliated with any other organization or business, nor does it recommend, endorse or support any one breeder, group, organization, or other. The project was started by two individuals who’s passion for dogs and background in web design (see www.dazzlebydesign.ca to read more about the design services we offer) provided them with an opportunity to merge the two together and develop this web site. One of the primary goals is to build the most comprehensive online resource for Canadian dog enthusiasts, a site that encompasses all aspects of the dog world and provides a portal of sorts where important and pertinent information is merely a click away. The site currently consists of approximately 1500 web pages covering just about every aspect of the dog world – including information on more than 150 breeds of dogs; health and nutrition; training; grooming; boarding and other pet services; as well as sections dedicated to working dogs and information on several dog sports and activities. It also includes listings of hundreds of breeders; clubs; rescue organizations; and so much more. It has truly become the go to website for any and all information regarding man’s best friend.
The Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is one of the most popular destinations for people from all over the world looking for comprehensive information about dogs.
Each breed section is a small website unto itself, providing a brief profile and description of the breed; details on health concerns specific to the breed; the breed standards; information on grooming, training and more. Also included within the breed sections are Breeder advertisements and listings; links to breed clubs from all over the world; and listings of Rescue Organizations.
We are continuously seeking to improve the site and suggestions and comments are always welcome and appreciated.
Note to U.S. and International Advertisers: The Canada’s Guide to Dogs website is somewhat geared toward a Canadian audience; however, significant interest has been seen from people all over the world. Therefore, we are pleased to provide advertising opportunities for those outside Canada as well.
Additional Web Site Comments:
From some of our web site visitors:
“…I found your site while searching Google and I love it! I’ve told all my co-workers about it because I work in a dog related field…Thanks for your time and for this Awesome Site!”
“Thank you so much for putting such a great site together. I am an up and coming breeder with plans to breed my bitch this coming fall. I have spent nearly 2 years planning this breeding, and thought that I had a darn good idea of what I was getting into, but the info on this site made me realize that I have a lot more reading to do…Thank you again for such great information.”
“…while reading your website, I now realize that the kennel I purchased the puppy from was most likely what you call a puppymill. Thank you for being so informative, I should have done way more research about what to look for in breeders and not JUST about the breed. Again thanks.”
From some of our advertisers:
“Thank you for having created a great site. My business is listed on your website, and just want you to know that I receive the most traffic to my site for your links.”
Karin, www.PetsStayHome.ca
25 June 2005
“Your site is a great value to the Canadian breeders. Thank you for your work.”
“…As a note of interest, and much to my amazement, I have had almost 6,200 hits since January to my site and now have 41 people on my waiting list for puppies. I believe it is very important to get your name out there and keep it out there. My waiting list is a testament to that! Thanks again for your resource and the service you provide.”
“Thank you for all your help advertising my dogs. It certainly produces results.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed your web site – very well presented and extremely informative!”
“Congratulations on the site, it appears to have grown a lot since I last looked at it and is very comprehensive.”
“Thanks again for helping make the world aware of service dogs and the companionship and assistance they provide!”
“Hi Pat,
Sorry to take so long replying to your email…….we had 10 puppies on November 13 and I’ve been busier than a “one-armed paper hanger” ever since!! I’m down to just 4 pups right now but 3 are sold and will be going next week and I’m keeping 1.
I have to attribute most of my enquiries and sales to my ad on Canada’s Guide to Dogs so I really do have to thank you…”
Thank you
“Thank you so much for such a great resource! I have already submitted an event and I look forward to using this tool for future events as well!”
– Tricia McAuley
Fundraising and Special Events Coordinator, The Saskatoon SPCA
“HI Pat,
Just to give you a little feedback on the hits coming from your site to ours, and this is conservative as our counter went down on Sept 11 and we had to reinstall it and start our counts all over again on the 12th. So since the 12th of Sept the totals are:
Labs- 132
Chihuahuas- 125
Brittanys- 89
So 492 hits since Sept 12! That’s an awesome total. And our ad running with you was also generating the most hits of ANY referrer since we began advertising with Canada’s Guide to Dogs. I know that a lot of the breeder listing sites have no idea of how many hits are being generated, so I thought you would like a little feedback.
Kudos to youThank you so much”
– Maureen & Rhona
“We really appreciate this site and send our clients to it for further resources. We have also had great success with your advertising. We are getting hits from all over the world coming through you! *grin*”
– Maureen
Hi Folks
I am thrilled to announce a new design for our website! Once again Pat Mitchell has outdone herself with our Splash Page and main banner ~ exactly what I was looking for :O)
Arcane Golden Retrievers Perm Reg’d
Breed Listing
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Get In Touch
- Email: canadasguidetodogs@gmail.com
- Email: info@canadasguidetodogs.com
- Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadasGuideToDogs
— CanadasGuideToDogs.com is an Amazon Associate as well as a participant in various affiliate programs, as such fees are earned from qualifying purchases.