Toy Poodle Breed Clubs
Clubs in Canada
- Poodle Club of Canada
- Poodle Club of Alberta
- Poodle Club of Ontario – Facebook
- Ottawa Valley Poodle Club
Clubs in the U.S.:
- Poodle Club of America
- Apricot Red Poodle Club — the club is made up of breeders of Apricot and Red Poodles from all over the world.
- Central Carolina Poodle Club
- Quinnipiac Poodle Club — Connecticut
- Greenspring Poodle Club — Maryland
- Poodle Club of Massachusetts
- Twin Cities Poodle Club — Minnesota
- Watchung Mountain Poodle Club — New Jersey
- Western Reserve Poodle Club — Cleveland, Ohio
- Columbia Poodle Club — Oregon
- William Penn Poodle Club — Pennsylvania
- Lone Star Poodle Club — Dallas, Texas
- Washington Poodle Club — Virginia
Clubs from Around the World:
- The Poodle Club of Queensland (Australia)
- Poodle Club of Victoria (Australia)
- Österreichischen Club der Pudelfreunde (Austria)
- Klub prátel a chovatelu pudlu (Czech Republic)
- Pudelklubben (Denmark)
- The Finnish Poodle Club
- Deutscher Pudel-Klub E.V. (Germany)
- Allgemeinen Deutschen Pudelclub (ADP) e. V. (Germany)
- Verband der Pudelfreunde Deutschland e.V. (VDP) (Germany)
- Nederlandse Poedel Club NPC (Netherlands)
- Norsk Puddelklubb (Norway)
- Svenska Pudelklubben (Sweden)
Breed Listing
Note: If you are aware of a Breed Club that should be listed here, please send an email to: info@canadasguidetodogs.com with contact information and details.
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