Chihuahua Breed Rescue
- Canadian Chihuahua Rescue & Transport
To assist in finding homes for pets whose owners can no longer care for them. To rescue, foster and provide necessary veterinary care for homeless, abandoned, neglected, abused or unwanted Chihuahuas. To match homeless chis with loving new adoptive homes which have been carefully screened by approved volunteers, and to provide follow-up support to new owners. To ensure that all Chihuahuas placed through CCRT are spayed/neutered and properly vaccinated.
1830 Bank Street, PO Box 83023
Ottawa ON K1V 1A3
Tel. 1-877-783-7333
E-mail: info@ccrt.net
- The BC Chihuahua Rescue
Provides assistance wherever there is a Chihuahua in need.
E-mail: bccr@chirescue.org
Website: www.chirescue.org
Breed Listing
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